Our Family Has Given A Voice To The Injured For Over 50 Combined Years

Newark Negligent And Improper Maintenance Attorneys

When you have been injured as a result of improper maintenance, either in a building, a surface or a commonly used area, you need skilled representation on your side, helping to recover damages. At the law firm of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP, we are committed to aggressively fighting to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

We will thoroughly review the details of the situation, including finding out the owner of the premises and the individuals who were responsible for maintaining it. These areas can include:

Maximizing Compensation And Holding Property Owners Accountable

Public areas and residential areas alike must be safely maintained by owners and local offices for the well-being of the public. Elevators, garages and entries must also be kept in repair. As these commonly used areas fall into disrepair, the chance of injury increases.

Our lawyers will closely investigate the situation, finding out who is responsible. We will not only evaluate the level of responsibility of the owner or manager, but also those who contributed to the construction of the area. This can include contractors and construction companies, electricians, plumbers and servicemen throughout the life of the building or area.

We will determine the extent of insurance coverage of everyone involved, including relevant medical policies. We are skilled in putting together policies and coverage to help cover your medical bills and compensate you for the pain you have experienced.

Free Case Evaluation With A Property Negligence Attorney

To arrange a free initial consultation to discuss your injury, please contact our New Jersey office today or call us at 973-675-8277.

Se habla espanol/Spanish language services available.