Our Family Has Given A Voice To The Injured For Over 50 Combined Years

How can you treat a whiplash injury?

Over three million Americans are seen each year by their physicians or chiropractic for whiplash injury. What is a whiplash injury? Often times, this will occur after a sporting incident or a motor vehicle accident. According to Mayo Clinic, a whiplash injury is the sudden jerking motion of the head that results in a stiffness of the

Snow blindness and the risk of a wreck

During the winter months, weather becomes problematic in many parts of the country. A lot of drivers in New Jersey struggle with inclement weather, and aside from strong winds and heavy rain, other weather-related traffic hazards include snow and ice. At Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP, we know that snowfall increases the chances of collisions in

Is my landlord liable for my injury?

Living in a rental is a nice option if you do not want to buy a home in New Jersey. Your landlord has many responsibilities when it comes to keeping your rental unit safe and habitable. You also have some responsibilities for keeping your home in good condition. However, despite everyone’s best efforts, sometimes, things

Why do dogs bite?

Dog bites in New Jersey can be very serious. The American Veterinary Medical Association states that if a dog bites you, then chances are one in five that you will require medical attention. A bite from a dog may expose you to potentially deadly diseases such as rabies and tetanus. You may suffer disfiguring injuries that

Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP Personal Injury Attorneys