Steps to take after getting bitten by a dog
New Jersey ranks ninth in the country for the number of claims for dog bites. It has 699 claims annually, each costing about $48000. Dogs may be man’s best friends, which is why they account for 63% of the 67% of household pets in the country. Unfortunately, they are not everyone’s best friend, which explains …
Road deaths caused by red-light runners reach a 10-year high
Research shows that more and more motorists are trying to “beat” traffic lights at signaled intersections across New Jersey and the nation, with the number of road deaths caused by red-light runners reaching a 10-year high. Why is it that running red lights is increasing, and is there anything you might do to help protect …
3 hidden dangers in supermarkets
Some unsafe conditions New Jersey supermarket shoppers may not easily detect include slippery floors, unstable merchandise displays and objects falling from shelves. Without a clearly visible warning, stores may incur liability when their employees neglect to protect shoppers or alert them to the dangers of such risks. Properly placed warnings may enable shoppers to avoid …
What should you do if your landlord does not make repairs?
Landlords are legally obligated to ensure that your home is safe. If your landlord is negligent and does not perform regular maintenance, you need to know what you can do to remedy the situation. There are several steps you can take when your landlord is negligent. Contact the board of health According to Legal Services …
State law provides remedies for negligent alcohol service
For those injured by a drunk driver, more than just the drunk driver may be legally responsible for any injuries. Drunk driving accidents cause more than just property damage to the vehicles involved. Physical injuries from these types of incidents can be difficult to overcome, and a dram shop liability lawsuit can help victims claim …
Recovering compensation when you were partly at fault
Most personal injury cases are based on the theory of negligence. If one party caused an accident through negligence, the injured party can hold the negligent party liable for their damages. The idea is to help the injured party return as much as possible to the condition they were in before the accident, and to …
How prevalent are workplace falls?
New Jersey workers like you understand that workplace dangers exist in any job. Some jobs pose a bigger threat than others, but there are some dangers prevalent anywhere and everywhere. Workplace falls often end up categorized as an all-encompassing workplace danger. No matter where you work, you are likely to have fall statistics at your …
Homes may be center of lawsuits
Slip and falls and other personal injuries are not restricted to stores, businesses, and apartments in New Jersey. Homes have many dangers that cause injury and lead to a premises liability lawsuit. Attractive nuisance Property owners may be liable for attractive nuisances that attracts children to their property and causes injury. Examples include a swimming …
Is my landlord obligated to return my security deposit?
Landlords request security deposits from their tenants to cover any damage to the property or unexpected expenses after the lease is up. Upon moving out, New Jersey law stipulates that landlords must return the security deposit within one month after the tenant moves. However, landlords may be obligated to return the deposit sooner depending on the circumstances. …
Retail store owners should prioritize safety
If the owners of retail stores do not take the proper precautions, their negligence could cause their employees to incur injuries. In the past few years, retail workers have experienced higher numbers of injuries. Safety and Health magazine says that in 2016, workers in the retail industry were more likely to report injuries than people …