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How serious are slip-and-fall accidents?

While both property owners and business owners have a duty to keep patrons and visitors safe from harm, slips, trips and falls result in serious injuries all over New Jersey. From engine oil saturating the pavement in a parking lot to upturned carpeting in the entrance of a shopping mall, individuals can be seriously hurt in numerous situations.

Accidents involving falls are often dismissed as not serious, but they can result in catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, broken bones, torn ligaments and other soft tissue damage. Countless statistics compiled by the National Floor Safety Institute highlight the severity of slip-and-fall accidents, including:

  • Slip-and-falls account for more than one million emergency room visits each year.
  • While more women report having a slip-and-fall injury, the Bureau of Labor Statistics note that slip-and-fall accidents account for 5% of work accident fatalities in women compared to 11% in men.
  • Half of all accidental deaths in the home are caused by falls.
  • CDC data notes that more than 15,000 people over the age of 65 died as a result of a fall in 2005.
  • 85% of workers’ compensation claims are attributed to workers slipping on slick floors.
  • While occupational fatalities related to slips and falls are lower than previous decades, approximately 600 workers per year are killed in this type of accident.

Slips, trips and falls can lead to devastating injuries to workers, residents and shoppers alike. Outside of the workplace, individuals can slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall in countless scenarios, including:

  • Wet floors in a supermarket or department store
  • Torn carpeting
  • Loose tiles
  • Uneven stairs
  • Uneven sidewalks
  • Cracked pavement
  • Oil spills in parking lots

While it is crucial for apartment managers, building supervisors or retail managers to keep people safe, instances of neglect or inattention can lead to serious accidents with devastating results. It is important to discuss your accident and injuries with an experienced legal professional who can provide the guidance and representation you need.