On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| November 10, 2023 | Car Accidents
The winter season introduces many challenges that significantly increase the likelihood of fatal car accidents. Slippery road surfaces, reduced visibility due to snow and ice and the need for extended stopping distances all contribute to the dangerous conditions faced by drivers. These factors create an environment where accidents are not only more frequent but can …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| September 11, 2023 | Car Accidents
Newark, New Jersey, is a bustling metropolis, known for its cultural diversity and economic opportunities. However, it also stands out as the city with the most car accidents. Several factors contribute to Newark’s high accident rates, and learning about them can help you if you drive through there. Population density and traffic As of 2022, Newark …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| August 9, 2023 | Car Accidents
Fatal car accidents devastate families. Unfortunately, they occur too often because one death is one too many. Gathering statistics about accidents can help authorities to make decisions that will help to reduce numbers. In Essex County in 2022, the total number of fatalities in auto accidents was 56. There were a total of 50 crashes that year. …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| June 6, 2023 | Car Accidents
Have you ever wondered if the color of your vehicle could influence your likelihood of getting into a car accident? This question has sparked debates and speculation among drivers and researchers alike. Some people claim that certain colors make vehicles more accident-prone, while others believe it to be a mere myth. Learn more about whether …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| February 27, 2023 | Car Accidents
Both roundabouts and traffic lights are common traffic management solutions. While traffic lights have been the standard for many years, roundabouts have become increasingly popular. The debate on which of these two solutions is safer for drivers and pedestrians has been going on for a while. This article will examine the statistics to determine whether …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| March 12, 2021 | Car Accidents
New Jersey residents may not think that they are in danger at any given moment on the roadways of our state, but statistics show that car accidents are incredibly common – locally and nationally. In fact, car accidents are some of the leading causes of fatalities and severe injuries in America. Some of the main …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| February 19, 2021 | Car Accidents
When drowsy drivers hit the road, it opens up a plethora of dangers. Some of the risks are less noticeable than others. Some risks have a profound and immediate impact, though. This often includes microsleeping. What is a microsleep, though? How does it affect drivers? And why does it pose such an enormous risk? The …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| January 25, 2021 | Car Accidents
In 2020 in New Jersey and throughout the United States, people dealt with major changes because of the ongoing health crisis. Those changes went beyond altered work templates, children attending school from home, the need to adjust vacation plans and taking personal safety precautions. The roads were vastly different as well. While many might have …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| January 12, 2021 | Car Accidents
Car accidents are all-too-common in East Orange and across the nation. According to one report, annually over 35,000 people in the U.S. lose their lives in car crashes, and an additional three million are injured. And while traffic deaths may have declined nationwide in 2% in 2019 from 2018, in 2020 there was an uptick …
On Behalf of Goldstein & Goldstein, LLP
| December 28, 2020 | Car Accidents
Research shows that more and more motorists are trying to “beat” traffic lights at signaled intersections across New Jersey and the nation, with the number of road deaths caused by red-light runners reaching a 10-year high. Why is it that running red lights is increasing, and is there anything you might do to help protect …